Hello friends, I hope you are fine and optimizing
God's grace and the opportunities your present relationships are availing you?
Today we will be discussing "Guilt Complex".
As I left the office last Monday, I thought about the distress call I got earlier in the day and felt
compelled to visit a friend.
As I pondered over the decision to visit Kayode, it
suddenly dawned on me that Kayode and I have not seen each other for the
upwards of six months now. This realization shocked me considering the fact
that we were like bread and butter as younger people. At this point, I felt the
cold hands of guilt overwhelm me for being incommunicado for this long.
I was caught up in a traffic jam while driving to Kayode's house (which was on the other end of the city).
This gave me ample time to reminiscence those times Kayode and I lived in the
same neighbourhood and worked on the "Kill Mosquito" project together. I got lost in thought only to be aroused
by the blaring horns of cars 45 minutes later when the traffic started
trickling slowly.
I turned on my car engine amist the
impatient calls from the other road users that I should move this cartoon out
of the road (referring to my car - by the
way). As I slowly drove through the traffic, I
asked myself, 'was it wrong that marriage happened to both Kayode and I?'.