

A relationship is an association between two or more people that may be brief or enduring in extent.

The type of relationship one engages in is determined by the issues discussed in the basis for defining relationship below. Individuals can have relationships with:

1)  Another individual (be it same sex or the opposite sex)
2)  A group (as we see in the case of a leader and the people he/she leads; whether it be a family, church, community etc)

Most scholarly works on relationships spotlights the subsets of relationships - relationships involving people in pairs (group of two).

Basis For Entering Relationships

Secrets To A Strong And Successful Relationship

Ann Smith while discussing on the topic “Secrets To A Strong, Successful Relationship” said the following about relationship:
“Relationships are an important part of life.  They are a way to connect, feel understood and be loved.  Because of their significance, it is necessary to make an effort to create strong bonds”. 

She went further to state that relationships require:
a)     Work
b)     Patience
c)     And understanding

And it must be characterized by:
a)     True commitment
b)     Good communication
c)     Mature love
d)     And wisdom learnt from past mistakes

She passionately advocated the fact that relationships are not fully understood WHEN THE ABOVE ARE TAKEN FOR GRANTED.