WiSdOm In Not FiGhTiNg

According to Rabbi Levi Brackman:

“Fighting battles takes energy that is often better spent being productive. Remember that fighting is a backwards motion. Concentrate on going forward instead.”


The EMOTIONS you must learn to avoid or gain mastery over least they destroy your relationships are:
  •  Fear which ultimately leads to insecurity.
  •  Greed
  •  Jeolousy
  •  Anger
  •  Hatred
  •  Revenge
  •  Superstition

Be mindful and careful of these vices or they will undermind you and take the shine off your relationships.

Where Do You DRAW THE LINE Between Generosity And Reality?

Imagine a young man who out of sympathy escorts his friend's girl friend to the hospital for an abortion (CS). He stays with her as they observes all the hospital formalities.  And further goes as far as signing all legal authorization for the procedure.

He stayed back to monitor the procedure and even slept in his car - out there in the hospital parking lot.  All through the night, he waited patiently for the girl to get strong enough to return back home.

My question is: 
"How can he convince the world that he is not responsible for the pregnancy?"


“And he answered and said to them, I tell you, that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:40).  With a pebble (small stone) in my hand, I suddenly remembered this scripture - Luke 19:40. And while I reflected on it, the following thoughts came to me:


1. WHEN ONE BOWS TO PRESSURE (THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU): Considering the economic crunch sweeping through the world today, one is naturally drawn to pay allegiance to any person, persons, organizations etc whose influence will shield & alleviate your difficulties. The warning however is that this gravitated allegiance MUST not and SHOULD not override our Love and Trust in God. Meaning that it should not dull your sensitivity to the God's Communication with you. Standing Still to see what God can do is the best path to walk in these trying days; but how many people can STAND STILL & not bow to this financial pressure.

So STAND FOR GOD, STAND WITH GOD and do not become an instrument for fulfilling others people's whims & caprices. Don't be like them for you can only change them when you live your life guided by God.

Rejection Versus Acceptance

People don’t remember you because they LIKE you.  They only remember the competence you possess when they are in need of it (or in trouble).

Put in another way, people appreciate the VALUE you bring to the table better than they appreciate your person. 

Therefore to BECOME MORE INDISPENSABLE: increase your competence, thus, increase your rate of RELEVANCE.


Yesterday some provocations suddenly got me thinking in the line of: "SEE WHAT LOVE HAS MADE ME DO!".

This was not planned but thinking about it I recalled, love made me:

  •  go straight to the house of my would be spouse after work before thinking of going home.
  •  learn to cook in order to make her happy.
  •  become so tamed and speechless even in the face of provocation.
  •  stop eating out because of her food.
  •  etc
Please forgive me but "What has LOVE made you to do?

Falling In Love

Success In Relationship

Don't You Ever Give Up On Your Dreams

I must appreciate the fact that I have been away for a while now but before I continue, I would like to welcome you all out there back to this platform and secondly beg you from the dept of my heart never to give up on the dreams God gave you at the beginning of this year irrespective of what you are seeing today. Rather, be resolute that you will have a very productive year piloted by God Himself.

With that done, now I will want us to reflect on some of the issues that have kept me away for this long. These are issues that bother on how far anyone out there can go this year: the issues are what I call the wheel of success - discipline, diligence and sacrifice.

Discipline: This is the ability to motivate oneself in spite of a negative emotional state. It is the systematic instruction given to train oneself on morals, a craft or trade; or following a particular code of conduct or "order" in achieving an assignment. Discipline enforces order – that is, ensures instructions are carried out. The qualities associated with self-discipline include willpower, hard work, and persistence. 

Guilt Complex 1

Hello friends, I hope you are fine and optimizing God's grace and the opportunities your present relationships are availing you? Today we will be discussing "Guilt Complex".

As I left the office last Monday, I thought about the distress call I got earlier in the day and felt compelled to visit a friend.
As I pondered over the decision to visit Kayode, it suddenly dawned on me that Kayode and I have not seen each other for the upwards of six months now. This realization shocked me considering the fact that we were like bread and butter as younger people. At this point, I felt the cold hands of guilt overwhelm me for being incommunicado for this long.

I was caught up in a traffic jam while driving to Kayode's house (which was on the other end of the city). This gave me ample time to reminiscence those times Kayode and I lived in the same neighbourhood and worked on the "Kill Mosquito" project together. I got lost in thought only to be aroused by the blaring horns of cars 45 minutes later when the traffic started trickling slowly.

I turned on my car engine amist the impatient calls from the other road users that I should move this cartoon out of the road (referring to my car - by the way). As I slowly drove through the traffic, I asked myself, 'was it wrong that marriage happened to both Kayode and I?'.

Guilt Complex 2 (Why Me)

In this time and season when we are threatened by the scourge of Lassa fever in this part of the world, I will like to share with you an experience a friend shared with me not quite long along.  

This story at first made me laugh but afterwards got me thinking while asking myself this question:
‘Assume I was the victim here, how could I have handled the situation?’

I will allow you to be both the umpire and the jury.  My friend’s story goes thus:  “On this particular day, I was on my way home after a long hectic day in the office. Uche, my colleague, was supposed to have picked me up after work but after a very long wait for him, I decided to commute home in a transit bus.

I got to the terminal and after a while I boarded a bus. A very beautiful young lady sat next to me, her beauty was so astounding that I was literally forced to steal a glance intermittently at her.


Funny as it may be, often, many of us are not aware when we need to move on from a relationship. Coming up with this decision is quiet difficult until it becomes evident we are doomed for heartbreak and sadness.

For those of us who know they should move on after the SLIDING into heartbreak and sadness; logically dust their booms, discover the best way out and move on.  Yet for many others, they sulk and morn over a period and still find it difficult to break away and move on.

Heartbreak and sadness could lead to many vices our age is experiencing today. The unprecedented suicides, metal ill-health, heart conditions, hate, back stabbing, etc could be traced to this inability to make the right decision to move at the right time (Luke 19:20 – 24). 

Heartbreak and sadness is a very dark valley that often leave deep scales in the heart of many.  Most often it is only God that can successfully heal them, so that they can still open their hearts and truly love again in other relationships. 

All types of relationships could lead to this fatal end.  So mindfully seek to understand others in your relationship circle, trust God for guidance, love unconditionally, and bring all differences up for discussion.  When it becomes very obvious both parties cannot coexist in this RELATIONSHIP, I encourage you to “STOP WATERING A DEAD PLANT”.