The A, B, C, Of Effective Communication

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one point to another through a medium. The information may be transmitted:
-        vocally (using voice);
-  written (paper, graphics, or online);
- non-verbally (using body language, gestures etc).
Since #Communication by default is an essential part of our life; we should pay attention and learn how to communicate effectively. Below are some guidelines to help you develop this skill:

1.          Seek Knowledge: Knowledge is defined as:
-        the facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education;
-        the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject or
-        the awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
Make it a lifestyle to learn something new every day.  This disposition alone in some many ways will make you purposeful in life.

2.    Take Time To Articulate What You Want To Communicate: Be reminded that communication is the process of transferring signals or messages from a sender to a receiver.  It is the key mechanism we use to establish and modify relationships, so learn to think through your thoughts (what you want to say) before saying them.  Here lies the secret between being ‘foolish’ and ‘wise’; ‘making things clear’ and ‘being misunderstood’; etc.

The capacity to qualitatively articulate (think through) what you want to communicate (or say), determines the quality and impression your words make. Don’t fall into the danger of realizing the danger your words have cause after you have said it (especially on the social media).

3.       Be Courageous: Build up courage or self confidence after thinking through your thoughts knowing that you can make worthwhile contributions to discussions. The truth is that confidence naturally comes with adequate and timely information.

Take time each day not only to develop this consciousness and to convey same to others. Do not allow ‘complexes’ to take get the better part of you, thus, make you to be hesitant to speak up.

4.          Practice: Since practice makes for perfection, it only follows that developing these communication skills begins with simple interactions. They can be practiced every day in situations ranging from social to professional engagements.

Perfecting on this skill may not come automatically so be ware that new skills take time to be refined. However, each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to opportunities and future partnerships.

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